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Basic Integrated Care Skills for the Non-Medical Staff: 5 Reasons Why


“How do I even start the conversation with him; what do I tell him?” Kate shared her concern with Roger, the primary care physician, leading the Integrated Care Initiative, at the HOPE clinic. “Kate, you are posing the right questions, and you are not alone. Let’s carve out some regular time, going forward, to help answer this and many other questions that you may have.” Roger responded to Kate in a thoughtful way, always with a smile.

Kate was alluding to Peter, a 57-year-old man, who believed strongly that he was going to die; “There is so much going on with me; so many medications, so many visits to the doctor.” Peter received home health care resident visits from multiple providers, including, nursing care, the care coordinator, and the diabetic educator, in addition to visits from Kate, the social worker.  He began sharing medical concerns and complaints with Kate that he was not sharing with the rest of the staff. However Kate was limited in her understanding and ability to best support Peter.

You may have been in similar situations where you felt the type of limitations Kate was experiencing; and, like Kate, you, at times, may have been concerned and frustrated. As Roger told Kate, you, too, are not alone. Below are 5 reasons why it is crucial to learn the basic integrated care skills as a non-medical staff.

Client and Patient Perspective:

1. Comprehensive care for your patients and clients

Those affected with schizophrenia have an average life expectancy, estimated to be 20 years shorter than that of the general population. I have personally found this outcome to be unacceptable, and, as a clinician and advocate, I am sure you find it to be a cause for concern as well. Implementing a comprehensive care approach for patients and clients will require channeling this concern and frustration into productive action. Part of the solution to this crisis lies in prevention and early intervention. You will be able to assist your patients and clients with this solution-based approach, as you learn the basic skills of integrated care.

2. Leverage of the therapeutic relationship

Therapeutic alliance is a crucial ingredient in effective clinical care, and this relationship often grows stronger with time.  When compared to the medical staff, non-medical staffs tend to spend much more time with the patients and clients, who increasingly trust them and feel comfortable with telling them things pertaining to their physical health.  And yet, at times, I hear patients telling non-medical staff, “You are not a doctor.  I don’t need to talk to you about that.”  Nonetheless, I can assure you that this sentiment tends to go away as the relationship strengthens.

Further, learning the basic integrated care skills will help you, as a non-medical clinician, feel empowered and at ease, comfortable when asking about physical health needs.  You will also have the confidence needed to answer some basic questions that your patients and clients may have; this, in turn, will generate positive reinforcement.  Both you and your patient and client will, therefore, be able to leverage the relationship, and you will eventually help them achieve comprehensive care.

Clinician Perspective:

3. Better advocacy for your patients and clients

Because health needs are not just limited to mental health, but also include physical health needs, you will be more empowered and better able to efficiently and effectively function as an advocate, especially with the tools for basic integrated care.  Kate was concerned, because she did not know how to respond to Peter, nor did she know how to explain Peter’s concerns to the medical staff.  With time and the right training, this feeling would expectedly dissipate, as Kate would find the confidence and skill for effective advocacy for Peter and several of her other patients and clients.

4. Career gratification

You may well know the factors that either promote or obstruct career gratification. Certainly, feeling that you are not doing anything for your patients or clients or that you are unable to assist or even know the right steps required for progress are a few examples of how career gratification can suffer obstruction.  As indicated, these subjective feelings tend to disappear over time, with the right training and skill development.  For example, Kate would be able to sit and listen to Peter’s concerns, know the right questions to ask, know the right things to report to her medical colleagues, and know how best to urge them to take the appropriate action.  Kate would also feel more of a sense of gratification, for she would be taking steps to help Peter, meeting him at his point of need.

Client and Clinician and Agency and System Perspective:

5. Health literacy

Knowledge appropriated in the right way can help provide a sense of empowerment, and when it comes to health, not knowing can have devastating consequences for our patients and clients, for us as clinicians and advocates, for our agencies, and for the system overall.  In addition, health literacy enhances communication among staff; it helps eliminate fragmented care, and it minimizes medical and health related errors overall.  As Kate continued to work with Roger, her health literacy slowly increased, and, as she started to engage Peter, Kate found more effective ways to communicate with her medical colleagues.  Listen to the way she summarized her overall experience, “My career has never been the same.”

“How do I even start the conversation with him; what do I tell him?” Kate was concerned and rightly so. She wanted to do more to help in the best way she could, but she did not even know where to start. With Roger’s help, Kate has been able to learn the necessities of basic integrated care, required to take her career and her clinical and advocacy skills to the next level. She has been able to put a comprehensive care approach into practice, learning how to communicate medical related information and achieve a sense of satisfaction for health literacy. This has enhanced her advocacy skillset and supported career gratification.

Health care no longer only happens within the confines of the four walls of the office.  A lot of it occurs in the “field,” in the community, especially since certain patients and clients barely make it to a medical clinic.  Health care is neither limited to just mental health or physical health needs; it involves a comprehensive health approach to integrated care.  The basic skills in integrated care are required for all of us, if we are to make a difference in the lives of our patients and clients.

I hope this article stirs your motivation to learn more about integrated care skills. There are many reasons to consider the importance of understanding integrated care: the perspective of our clients and patients, our perspectives as clinicians and advocates, and our agency and system perspectives.

Please share your thoughts and experiences; share this article with others, and let us continue to strive to make a difference in the lives of others, while ensuring we take care of ourselves, prevent burn out, and obtain career gratification.


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