Mastering Schema Therapy: Schema-focused Interventions (Self-Study)
Mastering Schema Therapy: Schema-focused Interventions (Self-Study)

Join us for a comprehensive training program on Schema Therapy, an evidence-based therapeutic approach that integrates elements from cognitive-behavioral, experiential, and psychodynamic therapies
Hosted by SWEET Institute
Join us for this confidence boost!
Learn and Earn 1 CE credit!
This course is designed to help you gain a thorough understanding of the theoretical foundations, assessment techniques, and practical interventions of Schema Therapy. Through a combination of theoretical presentations, case studies, and experiential exercises, you will develop the skills and knowledge necessary to effectively apply Schema Therapy in your clinical practice.
What will you learn from this seminar on Schema Therapy?
- Understanding the origins, principles, and goals of Schema Therapy
- Exploring the conceptual framework of schemas, modes, and core emotional needs
- Introducing the concept of limited reparenting and the therapeutic relationship in Schema Therapy
- Exploring the integration of cognitive-behavioral, experiential, and psychodynamic theories in Schema Therapy
- Discussing the role of early maladaptive schemas in the development and maintenance of psychological difficulties
- Understanding the concepts of schema modes, coping styles, and schema domains
- Introducing assessment techniques in Schema Therapy, including the Young Schema Questionnaire (YSQ) and other assessment tools
- Exploring the process of schema formulation and case conceptualization
- Discussing the importance of assessing schema triggers, modes, and coping strategies
- Identifying and Understanding Early Maladaptive Schemas
- Recognizing the core themes and characteristics of common early maladaptive schemas
- Guiding participants in applying interventions to address and work with specific schema modes
Topic Titles:
- Introduction to Schema Therapy
- Introducing the concept of limited reparenting
- Theoretical Foundations of Schema Therapy
- Schema formulation and case conceptualization
- Working with Early Maladaptive Schemas
- Schema-focused Interventions
- Healing Childhood Wounds and Reparenting
- Impact of unmet childhood needs and early attachment disruptions
- Emotion-focused Techniques
- Teaching strategies for emotional validation
- Teaching strategies for empathic confrontation
- Teaching strategies for emotion regulation
- Imagery, empty chair, and two-chair techniques to facilitate emotional healing
- Methods to strengthen the Healthy Adult mode and develop adaptive coping strategies
- Sustaining Change and Integration
- Integration of Schema Therapy with Other Modalities
During this 1-hour lecture-based series, you will learn what it takes to help your clients, and how to implement that in daily practice.
Who is this for?
This course is for any clinician invested in learning new or honing existing skills to be able to use in dynamic ways to support their patients and clients and to end suffering.
This course is eligible for 1 CEU for Licensed Social Workers, Licensed Mental Health Counselors, and Psychologists in New York State
For more information about CEU approval, please click here.
Format: Self-Study Online Seminar