July 4, 2023 2023-07-04 6:38Instructor
Karen Dubin, PhD, LCSW
Karen is a Columbia-trained Social Worker with wide clinical, teaching, and supervision experience. She also has a background in management, mentorship, and leadership that spans more than 20 years. Her added passion is in advocacy and coaching. She has previously held Executive level positions, and two other directorships in different organizations. She is currently Adjunct Faculty at Columbia University School of Social Work and Adelphi University School of Social Work. She also maintains a private practice, provides supervision, and clinical and management training. She is also a personal and executive-level coach.
- Principles for Screening for Suicide (Self-Study)
Learn how to help your clients use their suicidal ideation and state as information, as...
$15.00 - PTSD: Understanding, Our Clients, and Recovery (Self-Study)
Learn how to set yourself apart from how you conceptualize, approach, and treat individuals with...
$15.00 - Effective Case Management (Study-Self)
Learn how to have resources handy to best help your clients and their loved ones...
$15.00 - Cognitive Errors that Lead to Burnout (Self-Study)
Learn why CBT is the first-line treatment for Burnout. Come and master the Cognitive Errors that...
$15.00 - Cultural Awareness and Clinical Practice (Self-Study)
Learn some new perspectives on cultural awareness, by mastering the Lens Paradigm, the Explanatory Model...
$15.00 - Evidence-Based Practice and Our Clients (Self-Study)
Learn how individuals can acquire a number of transferrable skills by learning and mastering the...
$15.00 - Understanding Abraham Maslow (Self-Study)
Learn how to help your clients understand the concept of Mastery, how it works and...
$15.00 - What to Do When You are Already Burned Out (Self-Study)
Learn the tools you need to help your colleagues, your supervisees, and your staff prevent...
$15.00 - Motivational Interviewing and Our Clients (Self-Study)
Learn how to implement these essential principles, techniques, and steps, to help enhance your work...