July 4, 2023 2023-07-04 6:38Instructor
Karen Dubin, PhD, LCSW
Karen is a Columbia-trained Social Worker with wide clinical, teaching, and supervision experience. She also has a background in management, mentorship, and leadership that spans more than 20 years. Her added passion is in advocacy and coaching. She has previously held Executive level positions, and two other directorships in different organizations. She is currently Adjunct Faculty at Columbia University School of Social Work and Adelphi University School of Social Work. She also maintains a private practice, provides supervision, and clinical and management training. She is also a personal and executive-level coach.
- Guided by Reality – 3rd Edition (Self-Study)
"But, it’s real," our clients say. "No, it’s just a perception," you respond. Help clients...
$30.00 - Letting Be – 2nd Edition (Self-Study)
Help your clients step out of limiting beliefs in an efficient way and establish new...
$30.00 - Letting Go (Self-Study)
Do your clients have difficulty letting go? Here’s a proven formula to help them do...
$30.00 - Mastering the DSM of Major Depressive Disorder – 2nd Edition (Self-Study)
Come and newly master the DSM criteria of Major Depressive Disorder, and enhance the difference...
$30.00 - Living as We Are – 2nd Edition (Self-Study)
Learn a clear-cut method that will help you obtain compelling results to improve your clients' quality of...
$30.00 - Trauma-Informed Care – 5th Edition (Self-Study)
Everyone can improve despite their degree of trauma when we implement this powerful formula to...
$30.00 - Feeling Undisturbed – 2nd Edition (Self-Study)
Being preoccupied with the past only reinforces memory patterns of the brain, which means we...
$30.00 - Solution Focused Therapy – 4th Edition (Self-Study)
Discover how to use problem-free talk, promote resourcefulness, and move from a habit of being...
$30.00 - Goal Setting – 3rd Edition (Self-Study)
Our clients’ relationship with goals reflects their belief system, which, in turn, determines their actions...