Post-COVID Reentry Process: Back to Normal And Our States of Awareness

Post-COVID Reentry Process: Back to Normal And Our States of Awareness
First, what does “normal,” even mean? Etymologically, the word, “normal,” comes from the Latin word, “Norma,” which means, “Carpenter’s square,” or “right-angled.” And a right angle necessitates a perpendicular, meaning a vertical and a horizontal line, giving a sense of relativity [1]. The word, “normal,” also comes from the Latin word, “normalis,” which means “in conformity to rule; conforming to common standards, established order or usage. [1]” The definition itself of the word, “normal,” tells us that what’s normal today may no longer be what’s normal tomorrow. And this is so regardless of which system of thought formulation we are looking at from: Science, Metaphysics, Philosophy, Spirituality, or Religion. As we say in Science, “The biggest Truths of today are the biggest lies of tomorrow.”
Looking at this from far away, one may be left wondering whether truth may therefore be, subjective. To this, we respond that “truth,” (with a lower-case t), known in Neuroscience as “Self-Created truth,” is indeed, subjective. On the other hand, “Truth,” (with a capital T), known in Neuroscience and Physics as “Objective Truth,” is the same everywhere, for everyone, and at all times.
What does that mean to us as it relates to going back to normal in this slow transition from the acute COVID era? It means the following:
- What’s “normal,” changes all the time. It’s part of self-created truth, and it is not part of The Objective Truth
- What’s “normal,” is a variable. It varies from one place to the next; from one culture to the next; and from one generation to the next. On the other end, the Objective Truth is constant. It operates the same way, across space, time, and culture
- This moment can be used as an opportunity, and an opportunity to make the distinction
How do we use this as an opportunity?
First, everything is an opportunity [2]. There is no exception to this. And this is what makes this assertion Objective Truth. Now, because everything is an opportunity, it does not mean that everyone knows that. And everyone does not know that because everyone is not at the same state of awareness (Another example of an assertion that is based on Objective Truth and, therefore, has no exceptions). Now, those who may be aware that everything is an opportunity may not be at a state of awareness for them to make use of it, despite understanding that there is an opportunity present. Furthermore, those who make use of an opportunity may not be at a state of awareness where they make use of every opportunity. This tells us that each state of awareness presents a specific set of decisions, and this is another example of Objective Truth.
Now, this statement also tells us that the decisional factor when it comes to transitioning or going back to normal will fully be determined by our state of awareness, as our decisional factor.
This means:
- If before COVID, we were not at a state of awareness where we understood that everything was an opportunity, we may miss the fact that COVID has been an opportunity [3]; therefore, we may miss all the benefits that come with it. In fact, not only might we be missing the benefits, but we may also have been seeing COVID as perhaps “the worst thing ever!” or “a curse,” or “a trauma.” Regardless of how we view it, unless we can recognize COVID as an opportunity, we will then be missing all the related benefits
- Failing to see COVID as an opportunity, and missing the associated benefits means we will likely be failing to see the Post-COVID Reentry Process as an opportunity, and we will therefore likely be missing the intrinsic benefits
- If before COVID we were at a state of awareness at which we failed to understand that everything is an opportunity, then the best step in going back to normal; the best step in the Post-COVID Reentry Process is to shift our state of awareness to one that will allow us to understand that: A. Everything is an opportunity, and B. COVID has been an opportunity; and C. The Post-COVID Reentry Process is an opportunity.
While we are still practicing Social Distancing in most parts of the world, we are all preparing, at least mentally, to transition back to normal. Given that “normal,” is a subjective, variable, and self-created truth [4], the wisest way for us to prepare for a Post-COVID Reentry Process is for us to:
- Recognize which state of awareness we are currently operating from
- Learn how to shift to a different state of awareness
- Learn how to recognize both COVID and the Post-COVID Reentry Process as an opportunity; and
- Learn how to reap the benefits of the upcoming Post-COVID Reentry Process; benefits that are available to all of us, with the only pre-requisite being a specific state of awareness
We look forward to hearing about how helpful this article may have been to you. We at the SWEET Institute are determined to end suffering in the world. It starts with us clinicians who will then be able to facilitate the same for our patients. Almost everyone in the world sees a clinician. Therefore, there can be no better way for us to end suffering other than working with all clinicians. As such, we hope you will join us and together we can make a real difference in the lives of those we serve and beyond.
We look forward to seeing you soon
Karen and Mardoche
[1] “Normal (Adj.).” Index,
[2] Smythe, Jamie. “Opportunities Are Everywhere.” Medium, Medium, 13 July 2020,
[3] Kraaijenbrink, Jeroen. “The Bright Side Of Covid-19: Seven Opportunities Of The Current Pandemic.” Forbes, Forbes Magazine, 23 Mar. 2020,
[4] Fisher, Max. “What Will Our New Normal Feel Like? Hints Are Beginning to Emerge.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 21 Apr. 2020,