Reminiscence Therapy: Helping Individuals Reconstruct and Revise Their Personal Narratives to Enhance Self-Perception and Resolve Emotional Conflicts

Certificate Course / Reminiscence Therapy

Reminiscence Therapy: Helping Individuals Reconstruct and Revise Their Personal Narratives to Enhance Self-Perception and Resolve Emotional Conflicts

How Reminiscence Therapy Enhances Self-Esteem

  1. Reaffirming Personal Achievements
    Reminiscence therapy allows individuals to revisit and reflect on their past accomplishments, successes, and moments of personal pride. By acknowledging and celebrating these achievements, individuals can reinforce their sense of competence and self-worth.[1] This process of self-affirmation is particularly beneficial in combating feelings of inadequacy or low self-esteem.A study published in The Journal of Gerontology found that reflecting on past achievements through reminiscence therapy can significantly boost self-esteem and overall life satisfaction in older adults.
  2. Reconstructing a Positive Self-Narrative
    One of the primary goals of reminiscence therapy is to help individuals construct a coherent and positive life narrative.[2] By organizing and interpreting past experiences, individuals can create a unified story that highlights their strengths, resilience, and personal growth. This positive self-narrative contributes to a stronger sense of self-worth and confidence.Research in Psychological Bulletin suggests that creating a coherent and positive life narrative through reminiscence therapy is linked to higher self-esteem and improved psychological well-being.
  3. Acknowledging and Learning from Challenges
    Reminiscence therapy encourages individuals to reflect on both positive and negative experiences. By acknowledging past challenges and how they were overcome, individuals can gain a sense of pride and resilience.[3] This recognition of personal strength and the ability to overcome difficulties reinforces self-esteem and fosters a more positive self-image.A meta-analysis in Journal of Aging Studies highlights that reflecting on and integrating life challenges into a coherent life story enhances self-esteem and emotional resilience.
  4. Enhancing Self-Awareness and Personal Growth
    Through the process of reminiscence, individuals gain greater self-awareness and insight into their personal development.[4] This increased self-understanding can lead to a more accurate and positive view of oneself. Reminiscence therapy helps individuals recognize their growth and progress over time, which contributes to a greater sense of self-worth.According to research published in Aging & Mental Health, increased self-awareness, and recognition of personal growth through reminiscence therapy are associated with improved self-esteem and psychological well-being.

Applications of Reminiscence Therapy in Enhancing Self-Esteem

  1. Geriatric Care
    In geriatric care, reminiscence therapy is used to support older adults in reinforcing their self-esteem as they navigate the challenges of aging.[5] By reflecting on past achievements, strengths, and personal growth, older adults can maintain a positive self-image and improve their quality of life.
  2. Dementia Care
    For individuals with dementia, reminiscence therapy provides an opportunity to maintain a connection to their past and preserve their self-esteem.[6] By engaging in positive reflections and acknowledging their life stories, individuals with dementia can experience a sense of self-worth and continuity, which is crucial for their emotional well-being.
  3. Palliative Care
    In palliative care, reminiscence therapy offers a way for individuals to reflect on their life experiences and find meaning in their journey.[7] This process can enhance self-esteem and provide emotional comfort as individuals come to terms with their life and prepare for the end.

Self-esteem is a vital component of psychological well-being, influencing how we perceive ourselves and our place in the world. Reminiscence therapy offers a valuable approach to enhancing self-esteem by allowing individuals to reflect on their personal achievements, construct a positive life narrative, acknowledge their resilience, and gain greater self-awareness. Whether used in geriatric care, dementia care, or palliative care, reminiscence therapy provides a powerful tool for bolstering self-esteem and supporting overall mental health.

Would you like to master the art of helping your clients find a sense of closure in life? Discover how to use Life Review to embrace their past and enrich their present. Learn new approaches to meaning making and find purpose through reflection. Explore techniques for reconstructing and revising personal narratives to enhance self-perception and resolve emotional conflicts and strengthen their sense of self and identity. Benefit from all that reminiscence therapy has to offer. Join us for our 6-week Certificate Course on Reminiscence Therapy, starting October 1, from 7-9pm Eastern Time via Zoom, with continuing education credits available nationwide. Click here to register.

[1] Firdaus, Etty Sabariah, Nilam Widyarini, and Martina Dwi Mustika. “The Effectiveness of Reminiscence Therapy in Improving Elderly’s Well-Being.” Humaniora 10.3 (2019): 191-196.

[2] Pierce, Thomas W., and A. N. Elliot. “Recent progress in reminiscence research.” International perspectives on reminiscence, life review and life story work (2019): 38-59.

[3] Hallford, David John, et al. “Remembering for resilience: Brief cognitive‐reminiscence therapy improves psychological resources and mental well‐being in young adults.” Applied Psychology: Health and Well‐Being 14.3 (2022): 1004-1021.

[4] Bazooband, Azam, Abdolvahab Baghbanian, and Ghazal Torkfar. “A study of group reminiscence therapy and emotional intelligence among elderly members.” Geriatric Care 2.2 (2016).

[5] Chao, Shu-Yuan, et al. “The effects of group reminiscence therapy on depression, self esteem, and life satisfaction of elderly nursing home residents.” Journal of Nursing Research 14.1 (2006): 36-45.

[6] Patidar, Jayesh, and Anil Sharma. “Effect of Reminiscence Therapy on Self Esteem: A Systematic Review.” Journal of Coastal Life Medicine 11 (2023): 2631-2640.

[7] Bozkurt, Canan, and Yasemin Yildirim. “The effectiveness of reminiscence therapy on the symptom management, the life satisfaction, and the self-transcendence in palliative care patients: a randomized controlled trial.” Supportive Care in Cancer 32.7 (2024): 431.