What’s “Wrong” With Those Borderlines?!

What’s “Wrong” With Those Borderlines?!
You have either asked that question aloud, or heard one of your colleagues ask it, or you have asked it inside your head. Those who suffer with Borderline Personality Disorder have somehow managed to build a reputation where almost none of us enjoy working with them. Yet, we are in this field to help, to make a difference, and to mitigate pain and suffering. How do we then make sense of our feelings towards those with Borderline Personality Disorder? There are many ways to help us make sense of it all:
We don’t really understand it as much as we think we do
We don’t really know how to treat it as much as we think we do
We, therefore, feel helpless, and those in administration have not been taught how to manage this properly in clinical care
We have not been successful at properly processing our countertransference
We have developed a series of defenses, and have projected all the above experiences, making it all about them
While this set of truths about us, clinicians, may sound too direct, we know too well that we cannot solve a problem that remains hidden in the dark, or swept under the rug. We know all too well that the mere acknowledgment of these truths, the mere insight, is often both a first and a huge step in solving the problem. Like Einstein once said, “if I am given on hour to solve a problem, I will spend 55 minutes to understand it, and 5 minutes to solve it.” An insight into “what’s wrong with those Borderlines?” can then carry more weight for us than it may sound.
As, Einstein also said:
“We cannot solve a problem with the same mind that created it.”
Thus, for us to better help those with Borderline Personality Disorder we ought to not only hear the above points but also fully understand them. For us to fully understand them we ought to engage in insightful thinking; and for insightful thinking to become available, a fusion of our way thinking, of our awareness, and of our Mind needs to take place. This is what Einstein was alluding to when he said, “A mind different from that which created the problem is essential to solve it.”
This coming Friday, September 11th, from 9am-5pm Eastern Time, we will be engaging in this endeavor-using the SWEET Model, the Principle of Integration, the 3 Fundamentals behind our Biology and Psychology, and the Natural Blueprint Principle to amass new ways for us to not just better understand those with Borderline Personality Disorder, but to also help them ease their pain and suffering. We also are going to learn innovative ways of shifting our own mindset about them, which has been shown to play an important role in our success in treating them.
Regardless of how much you think you already know about Borderline Personality Disorder, we ask you to come with an open mind, allow yourself to be surprised by the universal knowledge that none of us know what we don’t know, while none of us know that we don’t know that we don’t know what we don’t know.
We look forward to seeing you. If you are yet to register, please join us. And see you then!
Karen and Mardoche