What’s Your Greatest Version of Yourself?

What’s Your Greatest Version of Yourself?
For you to respond to this question, there are some key questions to answer first
You need to know:
Who you are
Why you’re here
What life is all about
Truth be told, you may never know what the greatest version of yourself is. This is because once you’ve fully answered the above three questions, you realize that you are infinite, and there is nothing you would not be able to do. Yet, once you’ve answered the questions, you also realize that, while there is nothing you would not be able to do, you will also never get to do everything because once you do one thing, there will be another thing, and another, and another….
Now, if this is the case, it is easy for us to ask, “why bother doing anything then?” The answer to this question is related to who we are, why we are here, and what life is all about. Life is about expansion. We are about expansion. We are about expanding life, and we are life itself [1]. Life is infinite; we are infinite, and we’ll never be done. The word, “infinite,” comes from Latin, “infinitus,” and means “not finished.” We are not finished and will never be finished.
The next question then is, why would we then be thinking about expressing the greatest version of ourselves if we may never know what this is? This answer to this question is part of the following caveat:
We are not and can never be finished because we are infinite. However, we cycle through Life. The word, “cycle” comes from the Greek word, “kuklos,” which means, “circle.” And the word, “circle,” comes from Latin, “circus,” and “circulus,” and they mean “ring,” and “small ring,” respectively. In Mathematics, we know that a circle is an infinite amount of points projecting from the center [2]. You can consider each of these infinite points, as a point in “time,” which many call a lifetime. The concept “lifetime,” commonly means the duration of life. And knowing that each lifetime is just one of the infinite points forming the circle, the cycle of life, you can easily see how your circumscribed lifetime is minuscule compared to your Life, what you are, compared to Life.
Now, this may prompt the question, “does it matter what we do during a lifetime, since we are infinite and since our life or Life itself is infinite?” The answer is yes and no. You are Life. You are here to expand. You are here to expand life. Life and you are all about expansion. And the moment you stop expanding you are either transitioning from this lifetime, or you are suffering. This in part explains why those who retire early increase their risk of transitioning out of this lifetime by 37 to 89%. The earlier one retires the higher the risk, and this risk is mitigated only by retiring from one set of activities to then venture into a new set of activities. Furthermore, while there is a number of factors associated with suffering, it is evident that suffering is the opposite of joy. Joy is expressed through our expansion of life [3]. This also means, the more we are expanding life, the more joy we get to express, and the less suffering ensues.
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You can also consider joining us for any of our other certificate courses, all of which will certainly help you express the greatest version of yourself; and, in turn, help your loved ones, your patients, and the rest of humanity do the same.
Contact us here. And we look forward to hearing from you.
Karen and Mardoche
[1] “Why Reflection Is Key to Living Our Purpose and Expanding Our Horizons – Culture.” Ist, 6 July 2017.
[2] Brennan-Rhodes, John. “How a Straight Line Is an Infinite Circle.” GeoGebra, 1 July 2018.
[3] Thompson, Cat. “The Art of Joy.” Experience Life, 12 Oct. 2017.