Depression: What to Know and More

Depression / Depression - Full Day

Depression: What to Know and More

This Friday, we are having a full day CEU webinar. We are going to see what depression really is. We are going to understand it, and we are going to see what has been missing, what has been behind its climbing rate, and what we can do to reverse this trend and help our loved ones and our patients and clients.

We will see why some of our best treatment modalities remain limited in their effectiveness, what is behind our psychology, and what is behind our Normal Blueprint.

The following list is only some of what we will be discussing and mastering together:

  1. We were born with no problems related to happiness or depression. How then did depression start, and how can we use the latest scientific understandings of depression to change the current state of affairs related to depression?

  2. We have been socialized in such a way that changes the perception of our nature, which explains why depression is becoming the number one cause of disabilities in the world, surpassing all other conditions throughout medicine. Which aspect of our socialization process are we to explore?

  3. Needs versus wants: What are needs? What are wants? Is there a difference? Might the clarification between the two helps us, our loved ones, and our patients and clients have an ah-hah moment? Let us look at what the scientific literature can teach us.

Here are 32 additional points you can expect to get an insight into, an understanding of, and even a mastery of:

  1. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

  2. The “I’ll be happy when…” concept

  3. The “Doing or Being in Order to” mindset

  4. The Conditioning of Happiness: The Stock Market Crash Phenomenon

  5. The CBT premise

  6. Creating a new system

  7. The depression burden

  8. Suicide and Depression

  9. Consciousness and depression

  10. The 3 Fundamentals

  11. Belief-Identity Pathway

  12. The Normal Blueprint and Depression

  13. The Natural Blueprint, Depression and Happiness

  14. The Insanity Theory

  15. The 55/5 Minute Ratio Principle

  16. Solving problems with the same mind that created them?

  17. What’s needed for happiness?

  18. What’s needed for depression?

  19. The System-based thinking behind Depression

  20. The System-based thinking behind Happiness

  21. Conscious, Unconscious, Pre-conscious, and Depression

  22. Depression and Substitution Process

  23. Depression and the CBT Link

  24. Depression and Cognitive Restructuring

  25. Logotherapy and Depression

  26. Some techniques that can help:

  27. Double-Sided Sheet Technique

  28. The “I love myself” Exercise

  29. The Looking Glass Technique

  30. The Forgiveness Exercise

  31. The 30/30/30 Exercise

  32. Storytelling and Depression

Are you ready for a full day on Depression that will transform your understanding and your relationship with depression once and for all? Are you ready to enhance your practice, your skills, and make a tremendous difference in the life of your patients and clients?

If so, please join us, and we look forward to welcoming you!

 Until then,
Karen and Mardoche