The Meaning of the World

Clinical Skills / Psychotherapy / Psychotherapy Certificate

The Meaning of the World

We invest a large amount of our time speaking about the world, complaining about the world, and blaming the world [1]. But what is “the world?” What does “the world” mean ? Who is “the world?”

Etymologically, the word, “world,” means “age or life of man. [2]” In other words, the world is to your life expectancy, as it is to me. The question is: Why? This is because what I call the world is a subjective realization, an internal realization, made up of my thought (being the Operant Factor) of all that I call, “world.” In other words:

  1.  The world is exactly a reflection of my internal world.
  2. There is no world without my internal world.
  3. The world is one with my internal world.
  4. The world and my internal world are one.
  5. My internal world is one with the world.
  6. My internal world is the world.
  7. The world and I are one.
  8. I am one with the world.
  9. I am the world.

Yes, you are the world. There is no world without you. And each time we think, talk, speak, complain, about the world, we are actually thinking, talking, speaking, and complaining about ourselves, and nothing else, no one else, other than ourselves.

This Truth that you just read may sound too new to be True. But know that this is nothing new. This is how it’s always been. This is how the world works. This is how you are designed. And it’s always been exactly that way. It’s millions of years now, this Truth has not changed a bit, cannot change a bit, and will never change a bit. How can one be so certain? Because this is exactly how everything operates. From this one and only Truth, which is summarized by the Oneness Theory, which helps us understand that there is “no two things” out there. There is only one thing, and everything else is just form, manifestation, or effect, of the same thing.

In other words, there is but one computer programming, which runs all computers, regardless of whether there are millions of computers made or not. It’s one thing operating all things, and that one thing cannot change. All we can change is the programming speed, the programming characteristics, or how the programming is used. However, the programming itself remains the same.

What is the ramification for us, for our loved ones, for our patients, for our clients?

The ramifications are numerous:

  1. No one or nothing can make us think, feel, believe, or act a certain way [3]
  2. We are free to choose, be, think, believe, act, do, or have, anytime
  3. Whatever results you have in your life has nothing to do with your past, your future,  your family background, your socio-economic status, your gender, ethnicity, race, religion, or culture
  4. Whatever results you have in your life have to do with how you’ve been operating the programming that is available to your and for all computers
  5. Whatever results you have in your life only speak to your level of awareness, how much you understand that you are the world, how much you know that there is only you in the world, and how much you understand that the moment you choose to have different results in your life, and learn how to use the programming differently, you’ll be on your way to witnessing different results in your life
  6. You have no need to continue to blame yourself, others, your circumstances, your past, your government, your country, your family, or the world. You are it. You are your family, the world, your government, your society. And the moment you shift everything shifts. Like Einstein said, “When you move the whole universe moves with you.”
  7. It is never too late. In fact there is no such thing as late, or time. Your computer programming is always available, whether you decide to use it at 2am, 4am, or 12pm. It’s all about your choosing, and you do so with your thoughts.

Now that you have a better sense of the meaning of the world and now that you know who you are to the world,  what are you choosing to be at this very moment?

Let’s meet again soon,

Karen and Mardoche

[1] Flaxington, Beverly D. “Giving Up Complaining.” Psychology Today, Sussex Publishers, 11 June 2012,

[2] “What Is The Origin Of The Word ‘World’?: Lexico.” Lexico Dictionaries | English, Lexico Dictionaries,

[3] Ferguson, Caroline. “Why No-One Can ‘Make’ You Feel Anything.” Caroline Ferguson, Mindset Trainer, 23 Feb. 2016,’trigger,angry%20and%20not%20good%20enough.