The Power of Prevention


The Power of Prevention

A 21-year-old college student, Anna, was referred for “depression.” Anna was bright, she wanted to become a lawyer and her intellectual curiosity became evident as soon as she started meeting with her doctor. Her mother suffered from major depressive disorder, and as she related her story, her doctor understood there was something more than “depression.” Anna was undergoing what the scientific community calls “prodromal schizophrenia.” Her doctor treated her with weekly CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy), behavioral modification, family system based intervention, and a low dose of antipsychotic. She was at the right place, at the right time, and her dream to become a lawyer was salvaged because she sought help at a critical juncture in her life.

Schizophrenia is a chronic neuropsychiatric condition, which generally leads to progressive cognitive impairment. Most symptoms start at around college ages, and the early stage, known as prodromal phase, is often missed.  Yet, the right interventions implemented at the right time, would yield the highest success rate and increase the likelihood that our loved ones will maintain an adequate level of functioning. 

The lifetime prevalence of schizophrenia is 1%, 2.2 millions Americans are currently diagnosed, and 100,000 people will be diagnosed in the US, alone. These numbers have been constant for decades, and they are unlikely to change, unless we do something different. 

Years of experience and unbiased research studies have shown that prevention is key. How do we make sure the decision makers make more money available for prevention and decrease these plaguing numbers?

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Your friend,
