Using the Opportunity Principle For Pattern Eradication

Making the Unconscious Conscious / Psychotherapy / Treatment / Treatment Resistant

Using the Opportunity Principle For Pattern Eradication

You’ve identified your patterns and how you’ve been reinforcing them. Now what?

The answer: Do nothing

But what does it really mean to do nothing?

To do nothing means:

  1. To understand that whatever we do is part of the pattern-reinforcement-loop [1]; and that when it comes to our patterns, the less we do the better off we will be
  2. To realize that “doing” can take the form of action, focus, feeling, interpreting, or thinking. “Doing nothing[2]” therefore means not acting or focusing on, not feeling, not giving meaning to, and not thinking of, the pattern
  3. To appreciate that that which does not get reinforced weakens and then self-eradicates
  4. To realize that we can speed up the self-eradication process through the use of the Opportunity Principle
  5. To know that the Opportunity Principle speeds up the process by helping us realize where else we are making use of a particular pattern, what other forms it may take, and how else we may be reinforcing it, unconsciously.
  6. To understand that when using the Opportunity Principle, we are not acting or focusing on, not feeling, not giving meaning to, and not thinking of, the pattern. Rather we are retrieving the opportunity[3] that everything has, whether such a thing appears to us as either “good” or “bad”
  7. To acknowledge that as we are using the Opportunity Principle, we have entered Neutrality. This means using the Opportunity Principle does not mean that pattern is good or appears to be bad. It does not mean that “since it is an opportunity, it cannot be bad.” It does not mean anything of that nature. It simply means our pattern, just like everything else is an opportunity, and if we get to use and apply it, it will speed up the eradication process of our pattern.

How do we go about making use of the opportunity principle:

  1. Use the Opportunity Scanning.

What is that?

Opportunity Scanning is a type of practice that consists of becoming aware of an opportunity present in each circumstance at any given time. By circumstance, it means everything, including our identified patterns.

Now that we have a definition for Opportunity Scanning, let us now look at the steps to properly implement it.

Opportunity Scanning: The Steps:

  1. Start with Breath Scanning
  2. Do the Opportunity Scanning Inquiry (What is this an opportunity for?). In the case of our patterns, we phrase the inquiry as, “What is this pattern an opportunity for?”
  3. Wait for at least 6 seconds and become aware of the opportunity available at the moment
  4. Complete with Breath Scanning

The more we get to apply and use the Opportunity Principle, the easier and handier it gets. That means we will be able to apply it beyond pattern recognition, and under any circumstances throughout the day. What that also means is that we will be spending less time reinforcing our patterns, since we will be finding ourselves reacting less, paying closer attention, and living a conscious life.

Now, isn’t this worth implementing and sharing?!

[1] Mowrer, O. H., and Helen Jones. “Habit strength as a function of the pattern of reinforcement.” Journal of Experimental Psychology 35.4 (1945): 293.

[2] Headlee, C. (2021). Do nothing: How to break away from overworking, overdoing, and underliving. HARMONY CROWN.

[3] Kumar, Sanoj. Opportunity. The Spirit Mania, 2022.